Ingredients for fuel
The constant evolution of modern engine technology (cars, trucks, buses, rail, farm equipment, marine, powergen, etc.) requires the use of top-quality fuels, as far as stability, specification compliance, combustion, consumption, and emissions are concerned. Such top-quality fuels are obtained through the use of dedicated high-performance additives.
ADDIFLOW® product range consists of a unique, comprehensive portfolio of highly complex fuel additives (diesel, off-road diesel, biodiesel, heating oil, heavy fuel oil and gasoline).
They have been specially elaborated to provide a broad array of outstanding benefits, such as:
1. Substantial cost saving by boosting power and performance, reducing fuel
consumption, and operation and maintenance costs.
2. A significant contribution to better environmental protection and carbon footprint reduction by reducing harmful smoke and exhaust gas emissions
3. “Clean and keep clean” effect, preventing the formation of deposits, unburnt dirt andresidues in fuel injection and admission systems, injectors and intake valves, and combustion chambers – Preventing injector wear and failure
4. Improved fuel lubricity and optimized fuel flow
5. Optimal engine operating conditions with clean intake, injection and combustion systems, providing a safety margin for lubrication, and protection of the cooling system.
6. Repair and prevention of minor defects, such as cracks and leaks.
7. Improved fuel quality, and extended engine and equipment lifespan.
We proposed as well as all the specific ingredients for fuels and multifunctional performance additives package with or without solvents. ADDIFLOW® fuel additive solutions provide a unique, innovative approach towards maximizing fuel and engine performance, thanks to our chemical and fuel additive technology, market knowledge and expertise.
+39 02/22179720
Products | Description | Benefits |
ADDIFLOW® 1100 Series | Solvent-free multifunctional performance additive concentrates | Intended for industrial end-users and additive retailers. Major benefits: combustion and fuel efficiency – emissions reductions – diesel and biodiesel fuel blend stabilization. |
ADDIFLOW® 1500 Series | Multifunctional performance additive packages | Intended for fuel blenders & distributors, additive retailers, and industrial end-users. Major benefits: combustion and fuel efficiency – emissions reductions – injection system treatment – diesel and biodiesel fuel blend stabilization. |
ADDIFLOW® 1010 Series | Cetane boosters | Shorter ignition delays, more efficient combustion, lowered emissions, easier cold starts and better warm up. |
ADDIFLOW® 1020 Series | CFPP improvers | Wax and paraffin crystallization modifiers. Improve cold flow and low temperature pumpability. |
ADDIFLOW® 1030 Series | Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) cleaners | Elimination of soot in DPF’s, prevention of filter clogging in DPF’s, excess fuel consumption, and power loss. |
ADDIFLOW® 1040 Series | Lubricity improvers and friction reducers | Meeting EN 590 and ASTM D975 “HFRR” requirements. |
ADDIFLOW® 1050 Series | Detergent – dispersant additives | Suspension and elimination impurities. Cleans and keeps clean injection systems and combustion chambers. |
ADDIFLOW® 1060 Series | Antioxidants | Stop ‘free radical’ catalytic degradation of fuels. |
ADDIFLOW® 1070 Series | Corrosion inhibitors | Formation of a protective layer at the metal surface, preventing corrosion and rust. |
Products | Description | Benefits |
ADDIFLOW® 2000 Series | Multifunctional performance additive packages | Intended for all off-road diesel applications. Major benefits: combustion and fuel efficiency – emissions reductions – low temperature properties/cold flow improvement – diesel and biodiesel fuel blend stabilization. |
Products | Description | Benefits |
ADDIFLOW® 3000 Series | High-performance liquid oxidative stabilizers | Intended for all types of feed stocks (vegetable, animal, used cooking oil). Meeting EN 1214 oxidation specifications. Preventing formation of decomposition products and residues. Extending long term storage stability.Major benefits: combustion, calorific value, fuel efficiency, burner/boiler efficiency – emissions reductions – cold flow improvement. |
Products | Description | Benefits |
ADDIFLOW® 4000 Series | Combustion improvers | Major benefits: combustion, calorific value, fuel efficiency, burner/boiler efficiency – emissions reductions – cold flow improvement. |
Products | Description | Benefits |
ADDIFLOW® 5000 Series | Combustion improvers | Combustion improvers used in fuel oils burned in heavy-duty furnaces or boilers for heat and power generation. |
Products | Description | Benefits |
ADDIFLOW® 6100 Series | Solvent-free multifunctional performance additive concentrates | Intended for fleets and additive retailers. Major benefits: combustion and fuel efficiency – emissions reductions – gasoline and bioethanol fuel blend stabilization. |
ADDIFLOW® 6500 Series | Multifunctional performance additive packages | Intended for fuel blenders & distributors, additive retailers, and fleets. Major benefits: combustion and fuel efficiency – emissions reductions – injection system treatment gasoline and bioethanol fuel blend stabilization. |
ADDIFLOW® 6010 Series | Octane boosters | Avoiding pre-ignition, premature self-ignition and knocking. Promoting higher compression ratio, and proper ignition. |
ADDIFLOW® 6020 Series | Lead susbtitutes | Protection against valve seat recession in engines designed for leaded fuel when operating on unleaded gasoline. Ensure optimal compression. |
ADDIFLOW® 6030 Series | Detergent – dispersant additives | Suspension and elimination impurities. Cleans and keeps clean injection systems and combustion chambers. |
ADDIFLOW® 6040 Series | Antioxidants | Stop ‘free radical’ catalytic degradation of fuels. |
ADDIFLOW® 6050 Series | Corrosion inhibitors | Formation of a protective layer at the metal surface, thus preventing corrosion and rust. |
Products | Description | Benefits |
ADDIFLOW® 7100 Series | Oil treatments | Increase compression, restore motor oil performance, power and reduce oil consumption, and smoke. |
ADDIFLOW® 7200 Series | Engine cleaners | Elimination of sludge and residues. Improved lubrication, reduced engine wear and risks of mechanical failure. |
ADDIFLOW® 7300 Series | Anti-wear | Intended for both mineral and synthetic oils, diesel and gasoline. Reduce friction and excess oil consumption. Control of oxidation and sludge formation. |
ADDIFLOW® 7400 Series | Stop leak | Intended for any type of oil and motorization. Preventing oil leak, seepage and staining. Reduction of deposits and regeneration of seals, gaskets and rings. |
Products | Description | Benefits |
ADDIFLOW® 8100 Series | Stop leak | Compatible with all types of coolant. Eliminating cracks and leaks in cooling systems. Preventing seepage & engine overheating. Rust, scale and corrosion protection. Promoting optimum coolant circulation. |
ADDIFLOW® 8200 Series | Cleaners | Eliminates scale, sludge, deposits, rust, grease. Preventing engine overheating. |
ADDIFLOW® 8300 Series | System protectors | Protecting and restoring full efficiency of cooling systems. |
Products | Description | Benefits |
ADDIFLOW® 9000 Series | Cleaners | Solvent-based industrial cleaners. |